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APC InRow RC, 300mm, Chilled Water, 208-230V, 50/60Hz - HT

APC InRow RC, 300mm, Chilled Water, 208-230V, 50/60Hz - HT


 InRow chilled water ACRC301H - 300mm, Up to 60kW

Flexible, reliable, standardized solutions

• Modular unit design allows a pod/zone expansion as IT needs change and grow

• Greenfield/brownfield environments

• Raised/slab floor

• Room neutral

• Dew Point Monitoring

• Non-conventional IT spaces/office space

• Worldwide availability

 Predictable solution for the unpredictable environment

 A close-coupled cooling architecture moves the cooling unit from a traditional perimeter placement to a location that is in the row or above the IT racks. The InRow unit targets the heat that is generated by the IT equipment by pulling the hot air directly from the hot aisle where the heat is generated. The unit removes the heat and supplies cool air into the cold aisle/ environment, which is the source of cool air for the IT equipment.

 Increase availability by actively responding to thermal changes

• Built into the microprocessor controller

• Provides visibility into the unit’s operation, health, and capacity

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